Edit: you know what? Fuck this place. I’m not gonna argue with a bunch of pedantic assholes all day.

A short rant because I got banned for saying that there’s a lot of anti-blackness in the Asian community. (Basically, I said that a lot of people are heavily influenced by the handful of sensationalized reports of homeless mentally ill black people attacking Asian people. I also said that they weaponized their fear to end AA and increase already ballooning levels of mass incarceration.)

I’m tired of black oppression only being relevant when it can be directly used to argue for a larger caused. I’m tired of pointing out obvious racism only for people to turn around and be like, Nu-uh you’re the real racist! I’m tired of having to pretend that I’m not impacted by any of this only for other people to mock the oppression they also pretend isn’t real most of the time. I’m tired of wondering if being alive is even worth it not because I hate myself but because the world is so irrevocably racist, hypocritical and just nasty in general.

  • homhom9000 [she/her]
    2 months ago

    A short rant because I got banned for saying that there’s a lot of anti-blackness in the Asian community.

    I was thinking about this a lot lately from the perspective of business owners, triggered by reading comments of the John Ong/Ong brothers case in new york.

    Lower income non-Black communities, with preconceived notions from media, are siphoned into predominantly Black communities through business grants or pricing or whatever. Some can integrate but others that hold onto these prejudices are reaffirmed by their experiences(if you're scared of spiders, the hair fuzzies in your bathroom look like spiders). When you're not integrated, you'll likely keep police on speed dial or take matters into your own hands, which only escalate things and cause you to feel/be less safe while simultaneously making the community unsafe.

    I think it's an important conversation but as you mentioned, people are stuck on the sensationalized stories to shape their worldview(then push for more policing) instead of understanding the root of crime. Also the messaging on Asian violence is sus, especially when it's boiled down to anti-Black anti-homeless policy.