Help me out here y'all. I got some sort of all natural bio organic bullshit granola bars and I could do with it, but when I'm out doing centuries I'd really rather have something more savory to munch on my bike.

But, this is crucial, I don't get to do this often, and often with little time to prepare, so ideally, it'd be either real easy to make before a days ride or shelf stable. Commercial, home made, I don't care, hit me with your best options. I don't care about looks, I've eaten raw smoked tofu out of my feed bag but that's more proteins than carbs in the end, so not ideal

  • The_Walkening [none/use name]
    1 year ago

    ahh I assumed you'd stop at some point. Well, you could also do some sort of nut butter - there's a bunch of varieties that come in packets that might be pretty easy to open with a spare hand/your mouth.

    • 7bicycles [he/him]
      1 year ago

      ahh I assumed you’d stop at some point.

      what kind of fucking casual do you take me for /jk

      Well, you could also do some sort of nut butter - there’s a bunch of varieties that come in packets that might be pretty easy to open with a spare hand/your mouth.

      Ehh, must nut butters tend to be very much protein and fat, i need them carbs. But again, pita with hummus and like dried tomatos, as suggested, or something would work very well and also be very gourmand. Might use one of my bidons for a bottle of wine, even, going back to the roots