• NewLeaf
    5 months ago

    Can't wait to see why this is cool and good to liberals

    • GlueBear [they/them, comrade/them]
      5 months ago

      "if Trump was in office we would:"

      1. "Have not found out about them"
      2. "Have more concentration camps"
      3. "Punish the whistleblowers"
      4. "The concentration camps would be worse"

      These are gonna be their arguments. It's always going to be hypothetically worse and there is no way to hold Biden accountable for the crimes he's just allowing/ actively aiding in. In fact, holding him accountable means you want fascism to win.

      • NewLeaf
        5 months ago

        While simultaneously saying Biden can't control Israel. But somehow trump would? Can't wait til they repurpose their homophobic rhetoric re: trump and Putin to fit Bibi and trump. Even though they can't square the circle that they claim Putin had Hamas attack Israel, but Bibi loves trump...

  • Evilphd666 [he/him, comrade/them]
    5 months ago

    Jill Stein -

    Horror upon horror. Even as the Rafah gate is choked off by Israeli tanks and the noose is tightened around Gaza, a sickening new report from CNN came out today exposing a secret desert prison where Israeli Occupation Forces are torturing Palestinian detainees.

    Here’s what we know: Three Israeli whistleblowers have come forward with details and photographic evidence of psychological and physical torture, including ritualistic humiliation and dehumanization, of Palestinian citizens unlawfully incarcerated in Israel’s Negev Desert.

    Whistleblowers described prisoners’ limbs being amputated due to injuries caused by constant handcuffing, and medical procedures performed by underqualified medics – branding the prison with the nickname “a paradise for interns.”

    The images shared by the whistleblowers are too disturbing to share here. It’s a shocking throwback to innocent Iraqis detained in Abu Ghraib prison and tortured at the hands of U.S. forces and contractors – torture that was exposed to the world exactly 20 years and 12 days ago.

    We don’t know the total number of Palestinians who have been herded into detention camps like Sde Teiman. We do know the number is in the thousands – if not tens of thousands – and that they were taken from both Gaza and the West Bank.

    We don’t know how many more of these secret prisons exist, and we can be certain we have not heard the worst of the abuses yet.

    It bears repeating that Biden could end ALL of this right now with a single phone call. Instead, our government continues to funnel weapons and cash to Israel indiscriminately.

    Our government’s continued, unconditional diplomatic cover for these horrors makes our country complicit in Israel’s war crimes.

    Stop the weapons. Stop the aid. Embargo this monster. The world must act NOW.

    In solidarity,
