Like even in the best of scenarios where the left isn't destroyed but can actually summon some form of revolutionary energy against capital, what is to prevent most capital investment from leaving the country as the winds begin to turn?
Is there good theory out there on how to prevent capital flight? Are there capital controls that don't simultaneously provoke capital flight?
Wouldn't the end game be that their money becomes worthless? That they are no longer capitalists? Their mansions become ours their funds and even the planes they flee on become collective.
Sure that's the end game. Until then we'll likely need to trade with other countries, and I'd like to seize the billions they've expropriated from my country and invested abroad so we can use that money for appropriate means. I honestly don't understand how we're supposed to not have capitalists if you let them keep all their money to continue to fuck with the world.
yeah but that takes a while