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  • happyandhappy [she/her]
    1 year ago

    always read zizek from the bottom up:

    "So it wasn’t the intrusion of the signal from external reality that awakened the unfortunate father, but the unbearably traumatic character of what he encountered in the dream. Insofar as “dreaming” means fantasizing in order to avoid confronting the Real, the father literally awakened so that he could go on dreaming. The scenario was the following one: When his sleep was disturbed by the smoke, the father quickly constructed a dream which incorporated the disturbing element (smoke-fire) in order to prolong his sleep; however, what he confronted in the dream was a trauma (of his responsibility for the son’s death) much stronger than reality, so he awakened into reality in order to avoid the Real….

    And it is exactly the same with much of the ongoing “woke” movement: The woke awaken us—to racism and sexism—precisely to enable us to go on sleeping. They show us certain realities so that we can go on ignoring the true roots and depth of our racial and sexual traumas."

    now i dont need to bother with anything else.

    "liberalism can recuperate virtue signalling" thanks zizek ur only like a few decades early

    • happyandhappy [she/her]
      1 year ago

      ctrl f-ed the trans stuff and its fucking idiotic. "oh well puberty blockers are supposed to give more time for people to decide, BUT THE CONTRADICTION is that it STUNTS growth which can INFLUENCE their DECISIONS!" along with "the trans lobby encourages puberty blockers to young children".

      okay dude what's your solution? and if only there were some other solution to profit based healthcare that preys on people with nonstandard health conditions

      • JuneFall [none/use name]
        1 year ago

        Not taking them also influences decisions, like that is how a material world works.

      • M68040 [they/them]
        1 year ago

        I'm fine with whatever alleged consequences come with blockers if the alternative is ceding ground to the right tbh