Nobody is willing to even entertain the idea that West isn't Best. Suggesting that whitey shouldn't rule the world is received as if you'd advocated cannibalism, and you will be condescended to and treated like an ignorant child even as they make it clear they know much less than you do about the subject at hand, if not outright ejected from the community. It's not just bots and manufacturing consent, either - it happens to me in real life just as easily as it happens online.

Anyone who isn't unconditionally anti-NATO and anti-American hegemony is a white supremacist. No exceptions.

Love this place, though. I think I'd go crazy if it wasn't for you guys. Glad I have somewhere to get this off my chest :soviet-heart:

  • Frank [he/him, he/him]
    1 year ago

    If reports that Ukraine is throwing increasingly desperate infantry in to the RF's artillery it's only a stalemate in the sense that the armies aren't moving. Russia is destroying the enemy's capacity to make war, a more fundamental goal than sweeping strategic advances. Attrition is a nasty way to win, but the RF tried diplomacy, maneuver, and limited war, so...

    • Tankiedesantski [he/him]
      1 year ago

      The side that is conscription 16 year olds by grabbing them off the street is likely not the winning side.

      The EU Commission chief gave a speech a while back which mentioned that Ukraine had suffered 100k dead. That part of the speech was quickly cut, so it's probably something the EU/NATO doesn't want floating around out there. Usually you take many times more wounded as casualties than dead, so Ukraine is probably looking at something like 100k dead and 300 to 500k wounded. Even the optimistic (I.e. high) estimates of Russian casualties from the West come out to 200k dead AND wounded, so the attrition war is definitely going in the favor of Russia.

      Even if the EU commission number is wildly high, Russia has a much larger population to draw from than Ukraine, so even a 1-for-1 trade is a net loss for Ukraine.