I've come across multiple people online who maintain that actually Dialectical and Historical Materialism and Scientific Socialism are not Marxism and were invented by Engels and later used by Stalin to justify the brutal totalitarian bla bla bla.

Obviously it's a specious claim, but does anyone know its source? Is there a specific tendency that claims this? Is there a book or a podcast that all these losers are consuming?

  • zifnab25 [he/him, any]
    2 years ago

    Oh well... then you're just trying to read the tea leaves between publications and sort out Marx's views from that of his most avid supporter.

    That sort of argument leans heavily on Marxism as a Cult of the Man rather than a working philosophy of economic analysis.

    Who introduced the views should not ultimately matter. These are published ideas and theories, not prophetic revealed truths. If a published statement is flawed, it shouldn't matter who wrote it.