I only just now thought about the almost impossible to miss messaging of that children's book: "If you give anything to someone else they'll take and take and never stop demanding more."

Sure, that can apply in some contexts ( :porky-happy: ) but unless someone's take changes my mind about I think the message is fucked up.

  • ssjmarx [he/him]
    1 year ago

    All children's books are propaganda, the only question is how blatant it is. So pro-Trump children's books can't catch on, but the cookie mouse thing feels like received wisdom from a non-partisan elder and so it's consumed uncritically by all sides.

    That said I feel like the overwhelming majority of kids' media comes down on the side of "giving to others is good, actually", and only a small number of real sickos try to excise that lesson from their kids' minds (which is why Econ 101 classes exist).