I've been calling up every pharmacy and no one has the recommended gauge needles on hand or even for order. One pharmacist I spoke to said that they've been using up all the needles for the vaccines? I seriously don't know where to get some at this point. I'm like getting very frustrated at how difficult this is I have a full vial and I can't even use it.

Edit: I finally found some :trans-ferret:

    • robespierrot [he/him]
      1 year ago

      I didn't even think to check out amazon, thanks! And yeah I just got back from a pharmacy that was only willing to give me one, like seriously? He sounded like he had lots to spare but I guess I didn't pass the vibe check.

  • thisonethatone [he/him]
    1 year ago

    I use surplus medical supply store. Ebay also works, weirdly enough. https://www.allegromedical.com/ is the one I used, I think?

  • CrimsonSage [any]
    1 year ago

    I have never bothered with pharmacies to get my needles. I buy in bulk from retailers online. I try and avid Amazon when I can, but sometimes you cant.

    • robespierrot [he/him]
      1 year ago

      Yeah I'm honestly done dealing with pharmacies for this. I've had a few of them straight up be rude to me and drill me on what I need the needles for lmao.

  • D61 [any]
    1 year ago

    In a pinch any local pet / farm supply places nearby? If they sell injectable stuff like vaccinations and antibiotics they'll typically carry 22 gauge x 1 inch needles. That's pretty small. Might not be super cost effective in the long run though.

    • robespierrot [he/him]
      1 year ago

      I was finally able to find some supplies after sifting through some online shops! This is a really resourceful idea though, I'll keep it in mind.

  • Kuori [she/her]
    1 year ago

    when i wanted needles for estrogen injections the pharmacies were literally all out somehow, so i just ordered a box of 100 on amazon

    cost like $20 i think?