robespierrot [he/him]

  • 6 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: December 4th, 2022


  • robespierrot [he/him]
    toartTablet weaving for the first time...
    1 year ago

    I'm actually not sure yet, I'm kind of leaning towards using it as a bag strap if it ends up being long enough?

    This one was just practice but I'm planning to make some little bookmarks next! Thanks!! :meow-bounce:

  • robespierrot [he/him]
    toaskchapo*Permanently Deleted*
    1 year ago

    Forgive me for jumping in here but assessments suck ass, my advice is to always lie or exaggerate your symptoms/struggles if you have to so you can get whatever score you need to get care. The rule of thumb I use is to fill out the assessment based on my absolute worst possible day that I am being affected by my disability and/or neurodivergence.

    If you need the care and accommodation then you deserve it yanno? if a score is keeping you from getting your needs met then play the game.

  • robespierrot [he/him]tochatWhat's your favorite kind of tree?
    1 year ago

    I really like ginkgo trees. I love how bright and yellow they get in the fall and I enjoy pressing their leaves since they're such a pretty shape. I will also add weeping willow to the list, they're basically dream trees and perfect to nap under. Oh and birch trees cause their trunks have eye motifs and that's cool as hell.

  • robespierrot [he/him]tomemes*Permanently Deleted*
    1 year ago

    I make it my entire ass job to relocate snails when they think it's totally safe to hang out on a busy sidewalk. Like excuse me sir I just don't want you to be stepped on :kitty-cri: