Just disaster after disaster 2020-2024

  • Redcuban1959 [any]
    2 years ago

    If Bernie won, he would have better relations with the Global South, there would probably be no war in Ukraine and he would try to normalize relations with Cuba, Venezuela and Iran. I think he would be re-elected in 2024 because he would have focused on social issues in America and that is why he was elected, to help the American working class.

    I don't think he would have done much, but the little he did would be very good for the working class, maybe even slow the decline of America. But he would have faced more opposition from conservative state governors and the mainstream media would attack him 24/7.

    • Tankiedesantski [he/him]
      2 years ago

      If Bernie won, he would have better relations with the Global South, there would probably be no war in Ukraine and he would try to normalize relations with Cuba, Venezuela and Iran.

      Has he been voting against the war in Ukraine or anything like that? How has he voted on all the recent Sinophobic legislation?

      Genuine questions since my impression of him is that he has some okay soc dem domestic policies but is still mostly dogshit when it comes to foreign policy.

  • Dimmer06 [he/him,comrade/them]
    2 years ago

    The social-democratic understanding of FDR and the New Deal is completely warped. Bernie in charge cannot bring a new deal. Even if "the left" won the house and the senate we would not have brought out New Deal equivalent reforms. FDR brought reforms in the thirties for one of two reasons. First to undercut revolutionary communist currents in the labor movement or because the labor movement was strong enough to win them. Regardless of which one caused it, we do not have the necessary conditions to repeat it. Labor is weak, global and especially domestic communism is not strong enough. A Bernie presidency would have had some rousing speeches, but otherwise would have been the same milquetoast obstructionism that any other Democrat experiences.

  • plinky [he/him]
    2 years ago

    Seems like he would roll over mainly, but maybe ukraine wouldn’t happen, so no inflation shocks. Covid prolly samey. So in alternate timeline would be mildly ineffectual president? Although he likely wouldn’t sign “go fuck yourselves, railway workers” thingy

    • barrbaric [he/him]
      2 years ago

      Re: COVID, there was a stark difference during the primary between Sanders and Biden. Sanders said they should postpone votes until things were better under control, while Biden insisted on going full-steam ahead. Just extrapolating off from there, it seems likely he'd not go back to "business as usual", and libs would still be wearing masks.

      He would be undermined and sabotaged at every turn, though, so who knows?

      • mittens [he/him]
        2 years ago

        I don't have a magic ball with me, but there's strong reasons to suspect he'd return to business as usual with maybe more lipservice being paid to masking and air filtering, perhaps OSHA's new covid regulations would've extended all the way to making HEPA filters mandatory which would've better than what we got wrt mandatory testing. I would also strongly suspect that WaPo, NYT, etc instead of running headlines about how uncessesary covid mitigation is, they would be slamming Bernie really hard on not having enough covid mitigation measures. So like you'd be getting people like Taylor Lorenz up the wazoo lol.

      • plinky [he/him]
        2 years ago

        I think president decided rather little about whole policy, maybe more mask advocacy from :bern-disgust: but something like in-flights masking was done via courts, same as some other stuff. Choice is either to fight it or fold

  • Hohsia [he/him]
    2 years ago

    No idea, but it is truly incomprehensible to me that some soc dems are in the same place they were 8 years ago

  • UnicodeHamSic [he/him]
    2 years ago

    I still belive the lumpen in America are close enough to teachable that four to eight years of brow beating by an demcsoc ought to shift the Overton window a useful ammount.

  • Dr_Gabriel_Aby [none/use name]
    2 years ago

    No, we would’ve all died at the lefts version of Jan 6th when the Capital Police light us up with machine guns as we peacefully protest in front of the Lincoln Memorial pool.

    It would’ve been fixed and we’d be slaughtered like gracchi supporters in the Roman republic.

    Would’ve been an honor though

  • CoolerOpposide [none/use name]
    2 years ago

    If Bernie won it would be bad for socdems political ambitions because we’d have full communism by now