Why the fuck are there leftists out there who recommend this bloated CIA adjacent fuck?

  • CyborgMarx [any, any]
    1 year ago

    Critiquing a French philosopher and not simply taking his received wisdom at face value is not anti-intellectualism, my problem isn't with deconstructivism, it's with Derrida's use of it, now folks got mad at my use of the word "rehabilitation" which is ironic since per the Farias debate (which I noticed none of the Derrida scholars here brought up), would most likely have Derrida agreeing with my use of the term, I guess rehabilitation apparently only means moral and not rehabilitation of ideas, methodology and concepts which is a pretty weird way to look at it, since he if was engaging in moral rehabilitation I would've just called him a fascist and not a liberal know-nothing

      • CyborgMarx [any, any]
        1 year ago

        Ok there's this pushback which I am seriously reflecting on, and then theres all this Derrida stuff I've been reading all morning, including a three hour derrida lecture on Heidegger and it is not 1:1 and it's making me go :jesse-wtf: to everything in this thread

        Granted I know im not communicating my ideas well, cause this stuff is a chore to read and I want to know what version of derrida you guys are reading cause I'm not finding him