• axont [she/her, comrade/them]
    1 year ago

    This idiot seems like he's never heard of left wing ideology before and primarily views the world through a cringe/based internet fascist filter. He talks about his surprise that leftists are actually against large corporations, which he also says he's against from an opposite angle. Except he says he's against corporations for having women in pantsuits and woke agendas. Ok, so imaginary problems you're against for gibberish reasons.

    And he says being a fascist in DE isn't punished, which is fundamentally false. The game becomes deliberately tedious and sad if you make poor HDB become a reactionary. It's the only political quest that does physical and mental damage to you, it rewards you with far less XP and money than the other routes, and I don't think there are any Thought Cabinet ideas that give you extra stuff for saying fascist things. In fact, saying too many fascist things will reduce your total health. If that's not punishment, I don't know what is.

    More than that, it's the only political route where Kim will get repeatedly tired of your shit. Anything else, even being a commie, he'll entertain. He might think you're weird or embarrassing, but he won't raise his voice. The fascist route gives you multiple lectures where Kim calls you a racist piece of shit, culminating in a fight where Kim refuses to have anything beyond a professional working relationship with you. To become a fascist in DE involves betraying the one person who believed in you from the start.

    • asustamepanteon [comrade/them, he/him]
      1 year ago

      And he says being a fascist in DE isn’t punished, which is fundamentally false. The game becomes deliberately tedious and sad if you make poor HDB become a reactionary.

      I get your point, but consider that the videoessay guy currently walks around his neighborhood with this sort of worldview so they make due with the "I'm saying the TRUTH, telling it how it is: that's why everyone hates me" excuse all day, everyday... for the foreseeable future.

    • Gosplan14_the_Third [none/use name]
      1 year ago
      Disco Elysium Fascist Quest

      Also, at the end of the questline it's implied you get nerve damage from all the constant stress, fear and hatred as a fascist? Unless I'm interpreting it wrong. The conversation with Measurehead was interesting though, and had some of the most hilarious dialogue in the game (Semen Retention, anyone?)

      • axont [she/her, comrade/them]
        1 year ago
        fascist spoils

        Yeah, Harry ends up a blabbering depressed maniac at the end of the fascism quest. There's a theme of constantly harming yourself, the game portrays fascist ideology as self-harm. You'll constantly get voices to tell you to move on from Dora, or the life you had, but your Endurance stat is the one that keeps pushing Harry into fascism. I took that to mean he believes the self-harm makes him stronger, that if he can endure the pain he inflicts to himself, he'll survive a world he believes has abandoned him. It's fucked and sad.

        Also, the skill for communism is Rhetoric, which I interpreted to mean Harry needs to reason and talk himself into being a leftist, since communism's not something he ever considered much before his amnesia. He's just some dumbass cop who doesn't know any better, but all the Mazovian theory seems to make sense, doesn't it?

        • UlyssesT [he/him]
          1 year ago

          There’s a theme of constantly harming yourself, the game portrays fascist ideology as self-harm.

          4ch!n's /pol/ and /r9k/ and even /b/ communities openly practice this, brag about it, and make it into a competition to see who can "numb" themselves the most.

      • UlyssesT [he/him]
        1 year ago

        NoFap is to fascism as Shen Yun is to, well, you know, the thing! :biden-fall:

    • RamrodBaguette [comrade/them, he/him]
      1 year ago

      More than that, it’s the only political route where Kim will get repeatedly tired of your shit. Anything else, even being a commie, he’ll entertain. He might think you’re weird or embarrassing, but he won’t raise his voice. The fascist route gives you multiple lectures where Kim calls you a racist piece of shit, culminating in a fight where Kim refuses to have anything beyond a professional working relationship with you. To become a fascist in DE involves betraying the one person who believed in you from the start.

      Among other things, that's why I'm treating it like the Undertale Genocide route and won't be touching it with a 10 mile stick.