What the article says is, of course, horrible. But even if you believe it, it is parents who put their kids in conversion camps. The only part where the govt. comes in is with the assertion that some people heading these "schools" are members of the CCP (which has over 90 million members so c'mon). There are two other articles in this series but they are paywalled so can't talk about them.
Here is a good article covering LGBTQ+ news in China (positives and negatives).
Here is some direct rebuttal by someone more educated.
All this kind of coverage in Western news does is make certain conservative voices within the Global South associate lgbt rights as "western" and hurt marginalized people within.
Its kinda just barely getting better over here, Sweden has just made it to the 10 year anniversary of not sterilizing trans people anymore, and I'm pretty sure Norway still forces you to present in public for like a year before they let you get HRT.
Sweden's also experiencing the culture war right now so things could be getting worse again.