• ZoomeristLeninist [comrade/them, she/her]M
    1 year ago

    dating apps have an ELO-like ranking system. if someone swipes right on you, ur ranking goes up, if you swipe right but they dont swipe right back, ur ranking goes down. if you swipe right on everyone ur tanking ur ranking. start a new account and be pickier. put effort into taking flattering pics of urself and have some friends of various genders and orientations give you feedback on ur pics and bio.

    • GoebbelsDeezNuts [any]
      1 year ago

      dating apps have an ELO-like ranking system.

      I hate everything.

      Also thanks for the tip, at this point I'm kinda over dating and I just interact with people IRL and whatever happens happens.

      • ZoomeristLeninist [comrade/them, she/her]M
        1 year ago


        they mention they don't use "Elo" but that doesnt tell us anything. competitive video games dont use "Elo", they use a proprietary algorithm that functions similarly to Elo. from the information on this link, it seems they use swipe data to determine who you see and who sees you (analogous to Elo) but they also use data from ur pics and bio to run through a matching algorithm (Gale-Shapley). its not as rigid as Elo and probably doesnt have discrete "ranks", but it has Elo-like properties

      • booty [he/him]
        1 year ago

        it doesn't stand for anything because it isn't an acronym and shouldn't be in all caps like that. it's named after Arpad Elo, the guy who made the system (for chess)

    • CetaceanPosadist
      1 year ago


      my biggest tech discovery was realizing all of the apps seem to give you a boost after a certain time of decreased activity that seems like it scales with how much the activity decreases. so the strat becomes swiping frequently for a week or two and then not using it for a month or two. i get no likes until a couple months go by and suddenly i'm getting a handful every week for a bit. it also seems like if you don't match with the people who are liking you then it boosts you further, presumably to try and get you a match to keep you on the hook


    • NPa [he/him]
      1 year ago

      if you know the tech


      pissing your pants 10 frames before shaking hands on the first date

      you can clip out of bounds in the first seconds of a conversation, giving you a way to skip the "introduction" stage and skip straight to the breakup sequence. Unfortunately this can soft-lock you if you get bad RNG on the breakup.