This seems to be a semi-common occurrence with HD facelifts. The characters get more detailed but lose the ability to emote.
This is the new Fatal Frame remaster. Wii above, PS/Xbox/Switch/PC below
This seems to be a semi-common occurrence with HD facelifts. The characters get more detailed but lose the ability to emote.
This is the new Fatal Frame remaster. Wii above, PS/Xbox/Switch/PC below
Haven't played it myself yet, but the lighting and colors seem off to me. From what I've seen the Wii original was fairly similar looking in terms of aesthetics to the PS2 trilogy in that it was fairly monochrome, grainy and desaturated, but the new lighting looks to be very blue and full of bloom.
It kind of resembles the WiiU game that got rereleased on all platforms in 2021 in its overall look.
Guess that and more polygons just means better to most game reviewers judging from reviews :vivian-shrug: