Been slacking on these for a bit, sorry all!
Title explains it - how have you been? What's been going on for ya lately? Got anything cool you wanna talk about? Need an ear? This is the thread!
Remember you are loved :Stalin-heart:
I started Wellbutrin a few days ago, so that's a thing my brain is currently adjusting too. I've noticed it's made conversations a little more difficult for me to hold, but if I pair it with a can of Monster or something, god DAMN do I feel productive. Been getting out and about the past few weekends has been good - been seeing friends and stuff. Playing a show on Friday. Good stuff, things just feel a little strange cause of the meds.
Hope you've all been well!
Been going the 2x12 route lately. Might look at one of the new Sound City cabs!
Oh, good stuff! Me too. I've had good results loading my own with a Seismic Audio 2x12 "Luke" series oversized cab. I currently have an Eminence Governor (think V30 without the 5 kHz "ice pick") and Man-O-War (Emi take on the G12T75) in there, and they make a pretty good pairing for thrash/death/noodling. I'm half-tempted to get another one and try an Emi DV77 with either a Swamp Thang or a Neo Creamback in there.
Nice! Those both sound like good combos! RIght now I've got some old EVM speakers in one cab, some Earth 2x15s in old Sunn enclosures, and one cab with Alnico Blue Dogs.