• replaceable [he/him]M
    1 year ago

    In poland its probably better to learn other means of self defence rather than acquire a firearm

    • KompletnyDebil [none/use name]
      1 year ago

      Oh yeah, definitely. It's just that almost no one who isn't a gun nut doesn't know of this. Still, all of my warnings regarding legality should heed that while you can do this doesn't mean you necessarily should.

      • replaceable [he/him]M
        1 year ago

        Then why inform them in the first place if the knowledge is useless?

        • KompletnyDebil [none/use name]
          1 year ago

          I wouldn't say it's completely useless, but I do agree that it is not of immediate help. Anti-LGBTQ+ sentiments aren't dying quickly, especially not in "Poland B". If for example there were to happen a mass armament of LGBTQ+ people, that in itself and the coverage of that could drive change (not necessarily immediately positive). Is it an idealistic example? Yeah it is. But to assure you I also inform LGBTQ+ folk of other methods they can secure their safety. This gun thingy is just a part of that and I mentioned it first because of the OP.

          Poland isn't the USA, guns here are an anomaly and I believe that spreading the word about them, even if it's not as important as other information that may be of immediate help, is important.

          Hell, now I've got an idea of an LGBTQ+ gun and self defense club, something like that would be interesting…