
I never heard of it until I saw that tweet a few minutes ago.

  • D61 [any]
    1 year ago

    It would make sense to me that the rates would increase if the auto insurance industry was paying for the 1.4$ trillion cost to society but I don't think they are footing that bill.

    But if things are costing more, then everybody's insurance rates should be increasing by the fractional amount that the few would need the insurance claim filled would need to get everybody as whole as an insurance system is able to. Like, you don't charge people with a higher chance of cancer or something more money for their insurance, everybody pays a bit more. Because who knows if the person with a "higher statistical chance" of getting cancer will actually get cancer or if the person who has a low chance of cancer is the one who gets cancer. If we're actually worried about paying the bills, then society takes that seriously and pays the bills.

    I mean that does happen, but the crucial question here seems to me the one as to whether driving a car is a universal human right, or should it be?

    In a society that was built, and doesn't seem to be changing from, a car centric commuter society any time soon. Its going to have to be a "right" until some revolution happens and fundamentally restructures the USA's society and infrastructure. Which would be super cool.