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    • zifnab25 [he/him, any]
      1 year ago

      Even Marvel movies include the occasional bit of nuance and the periodic heel turn. All three Iron Man Movies had a "turns out the real villain was a greedy American plutocrat all along" twist ending. The entire Civil War arc was literally two groups of canonically good people coming to blows over ideology.

      This isn't Marvel Movies. Its straight up Social Media Brain. The guy has absolutely pickled himself.

      • MaoTheLawn [any, any]
        1 year ago

        Sort of. It's more like 'bad American plutocrat' was the baddie... Whereas avengers are the good megafunded American plutocrats.

        Canonically aren't the two teams both good western lapdogs whose aims seem to often align with the US military? All they ever seem to do is make even larger and larger weapons.

        • Goblinmancer [any]
          1 year ago

          Actually one team (cap) hates GOVERNMENT OVERSIGHT and one team (iron man) wants to work with governments.

          So captain america isnt really a US lapdog unlike stark hes just full on libertarian :hopium: (insists American values is simply purely good and blaming muh GOVERNMENT for corrupting those values)

          • FlakesBongler [they/them]
            1 year ago

            And even then, the movie basically boiled it down to more along the lines of

            Iron Man: Your friend killed my parents?

            Captain America: It wasn't his fault, he was brainwashed!

            Iron Man: I don't care, let's fight!

            (They fight)

            Captain America: Let's stop fighting, the real bad guy is getting away!

            Iron Man: Okay, I forgive Bucky for killing my parents because I am more mad at Baron Zemo for some reason

            Captain America: Good, let us ignore international laws and regulations about our extraordinary renditions

            Iron Man: agreed

        • zifnab25 [he/him, any]
          1 year ago

          Whereas avengers are the good megafunded American plutocrats.

          The Marvel Heroes are always pitched as the Underdogs. So, at best, you've got a Rogue Billionaire against The World. Or perhaps a Global SuperSpy Network that's riddled with enemy operatives which needs an even Super-ier Double-Secret Spy Network doing counterintelligence to root out the Fifth Columnists.

          Canonically aren’t the two teams both good western lapdogs whose aims seem to often align with the US military?

          They're two sides of the neoliberal coin - the libertarian-leaning advocates for unregulated laisse-faire benevolent SuperHeroing versus the technocratic micromanagers who want a Rules Based International Order managed out of a floating CIA sky fortress. But this is a world in which the US Military is vestigial. Its "The Boys" done unironically, with Superheroes acting as Mega-Operatives who single-handedly do what JSOC needs whole companies to attempt.

          I wouldn't even really call them pro-military so much as ultra-nationalist. Both sides are operating in the (perceived) interest of their Western Homelands, with the implicit endorsement of national governments that only exist to flail helplessly in the shadow of these Ubermensch.

          All they ever seem to do is make even larger and larger weapons.

          I always thought they were the weapons. They'll do Goku-tier shit where they execute a mid-movie training montage that justifies how they lose in Scene 1 but win in Scene 3.

        • Nagarjuna [he/him]
          1 year ago

          Canonical, SHEILD is independent from any nation because defending the world can't be the work of any one nation.

          Problem is, Disney has a deal where if they write jingo trash the US military gives them toys to play with. That's why the international SHEILD is portrayed as using US military hardware.

          • NPa [he/him]
            1 year ago

            SHIELD is basically super-powered NATO. At first glance it looks like a voluntary multi-national coalition set up to defend against outside threats, but it's really just the US in 30 different trench-coats, doing whatever is necessary to protect the Empire.