Off the top of my head the only April fools prank on the internet I can remember enjoying was when the staff of Deadspin and the staff of Jezebel traded places for the day. There were some surprisingly thoughtful articles on both sites, and also several that made me laugh. Mostly April fools sucks though, and pranks aren't funny, they're just mean. This includes when crashes at some point today and against my will, I am forced to break my oath to never :logout:
Off the top of my head the only April fools prank on the internet I can remember enjoying was when the staff of Deadspin and the staff of Jezebel traded places for the day. There were some surprisingly thoughtful articles on both sites, and also several that made me laugh. Mostly April fools sucks though, and pranks aren't funny, they're just mean. This includes when crashes at some point today and against my will, I am forced to break my oath to never :logout:
No no no, when the site logs you out, that's not your doing! It doesn't count unless you actively click on the :logout: button.
You haven't broken any oaths unless you also swore one not to ever log back in.
That's a load off my mind :sweat: