I figured that was most of this forum. Even the people who are clearly minority comrades say this to me basically " all forms of oppression must be fought back against, now, but class is the primary mode of oppression"

  • AHopeOnceMore [he/him]B
    2 years ago

    Class is the primary overriding force of oppression but is not entirely separable from any of the others. In fact, it tends to drive and reinforce them.

    There's no either/or, nor even class first then the rest. You're never going to truly root out and resolve the rest, i.e. liberate humanity, without overthrowing capitalism, and the act of doing so is itself an intersectional effort (and always has been).

    As an example, trans liberation requires trans people being able top get the medical care they need and have places to live and food to eat. Under capitalism, all of these things are undermined and all of humanity, but especially the marginalized, are degraded and immiserated. Trans people deal with homelessness and poverty more often than other people do precisely due to class oppressions that reflect and reinforce capitalism. Homelessness is a consequence of rent-seeking, in this case for land, and is about guaranteeing profits and value increases for landowners/homeowners. Only through decommodification can we guarantee housing, and the only places to ever approach this after capotalism were socialist projects after revolution. The inability to get medical care is a function of ability to pay under capitalism, whereas socialized medicine was largely a socialist invention copied by some socdems in the imperial core - and it's being deconstructed by capitalist forces. Poverty is of course a function of class as well as the role played in capitalism by the creation and maintenance of marginalized subgroups within the lower classes. Thus, trans liberation requires the overthrow of capitalism. That doesn't mean we are idle rather than supporting our trans comrades, it just means there can be no illusion that bourgeois approaches will be enough. It also means that when we can gain class-widr wins, the material gains have a big impact on those oppressed groups. If we can fight and win a housing-first approach at a local level, we are disproportionately helping trans people (and BIPOC people, and gay people, and immigrants, etc etc).