This is an alt (don’t want this on my main, that account is pretty well known.)

I posted about this in a mega thread a month ago, but would there be much interest in some kind of community to attempt self sufficiency and avoid climate apocalypse? I’ve been looking into off-grid resources, and have a decent amount of experience in an IT-related field.

I just have no fucking idea how to homestead or farm - and besides, what’s the point of living through the climate apocalypse if you’re stuck doing it by yourself.

I’m just trying to gauge interest here, but if you have any resources you’d recommend I’d love to see them.

  • fuckhaha [any,none/use name]
    4 years ago

    There's a site that lists a bunch of communes, can be filtered for specifics. IC dot org. I also saw a AMA once of someone who lived on a communal farm in Virginia and it sounded pretty dope although the expectation is full-time work.

    I have thought hard about this, but not thought deep. I wanna do it but there are so many variables. If anyone reading this knows someone trustworthy with a lot of experience, it would be nice to have a discussion with them, possibly as an AMA here. Kibbutz, hippie communities, organic farms; there are people who do this and it works, who could advise us. But where to even start?

    Btw I don't mean start one, that sounds crazy and difficult, I mean info and advice on joining an established one