A very surreal, mysterious anime in which the characters are based around various gems and minerals.

This anime is primarily 3D-rendered, but it really stood out to me because the studio did not compromise on animation smoothness (e.g. FPS) to achieve their beautiful renders, and my god did they do an excellent job with the art and animation.

IMO one of the most amazing-looking and deeply captivating anime out there. It's hard to talk about it more because the extent of the surreal setting. I believe it is included on the amazon prime streaming application, if you are affiliated with that service.

    • Sushi_Desires
      fyra år sedan

      Hehe this is the big question right now. I really, really hope so.

      I read an article last weekend that claimed we should know whether it is going to continue or not by the end of the year (supposedly). They claim the anime is so popular that the studio would face backlash if they didn’t continue it.

      I’m not so sure that’s a healthy relationship, but I would hate to see the show fade away...