• Carmine2 [none/use name]
    1 year ago

    I’ll be quite honest with you, I think that looking at the actions of the catholic church and reducing their role to that of social workers in the current context of the third world is something that shouldn’t exist outside of really on the nose satire

    It's amazing. You just keep going. I said three things about the Catholic Church:

    • I accused them of genocide

    • I accused them of being a force against reproductive rights

    • And I said that I personally currently perceive them as a defanged enemy in relation to other reactionary religious movements in my area of the world .

    And you've chosen the single most selective and uncharitable interpretation possible. I don't know what the fuck is wrong with you and frankly I don't care. But I'm gonna ask you again to stop engaging with me. Find someone else to lecture about things you don't know and don't understand.

    Yeah, right now the reactionary movement in my country is headed by the Calvinists. The Catholics are the ones mobilizing for the center left. The world is big, nuanced and complicated. Deal with it and fuck off somewhere else.