• GorbinOutOverHere [comrade/them]
    1 year ago

    Literally never seen her say anything funny in my life so idk why i have to see her defended here because uhhhhhh people who don't like her are a misogynists 😔😔😔

    • nat_turner_overdrive [he/him]
      1 year ago

      the difference between simply disliking amy schumer's humor or lack thereof and being a misogynist about it is, regular ol' amy schumer dislikers just don't seek out her content. Misogynists, as suggested in the OP, seek her humor out so they can feel smug about it. I don't think anybody's suggesting you must be a misogynist because you dislike her, only if you're hurrying off to social media to obsess over how much you dislike her.