• hexaflexagonbear [he/him]
    1 month ago

    Every so often one of them will post a detailed breakdown of their "work day" and it's usually 90% stuff like that. Hell, if the average worker had the schedule of a c-suite no one would complain about work-life balance. But liver failures might increase drastically.

    • PKMKII [none/use name]
      1 month ago

      When asked what the most difficult part of their day is, Prathibha Varkey, CEO of Yale New Haven Health’s Northeast Medical Group said:

      driving between the different practices,… driving can be physically exhausting

      • radiofreeval [any]
        1 month ago

        To be fair, driving sucks ass but this is some weak ass shit

        • peeonyou [he/him]
          1 month ago

          he was lowkey complaining that the board didn't approve the purchase of another company jet and helicopter

          -- just making this up, but could be true