cw: homophobia, violence

A gay couple in New York City says they were attacked earlier this month by four men hurling anti-gay slurs while a crowd watched and did nothing to help.

The attack left one of the men with a fractured jaw that required surgery to repair, and both men have been left frightened and concerned for their safety.

The two unidentified men told local Fox affiliate WNEW they were strolling through a crowded Times Square holding hands around 10:30 p.m. on Saturday, April 8, when they said they were approached by “at least four different people” who started to harass them because they were gay.

“They come up to us and they’re like, ‘You need to move,’” one of the men recalled for WNEW, fighting back tears. “They’re like, ‘You need to move.’ And then they start pushing us, and we’re like ‘What are you talking about?’”

The couple said the men attacked using antigay slurs. They tried to fight back, and one started using his cell phone to record the attack. Despite the large crowd in Times Square, the couple said nobody tried to help them. The assault has left the two men fearful, and they requested anonymity from the media to prevent retribution from their attackers. They asked police to investigate the attack as a hate crime.

A spokesperson for the NYPD confirmed the attack and said an investigation is underway.

“The subject fled the location to parts unknown,” the NYPD said in a statement. “The victims were transported to Mount Sinai Hospital in stable condition. There are no arrests and the investigation remains ongoing.”

The attack in Times Square was only the most recent in a string of incidents targeting the gay community.

Rafael Ribot, 44, was beaten and stabbed by a group of people yelling anti-gay slurs on the evening of Wednesday, April 5. He said two strangers stopped the attack and saved his life by applying a tourniquet to what he described as “a large, four-inch deep puncture wound” to his leg.

“I’m enraged by reports of an anti-LGBTQ attack in Hell’s Kitchen,” out City Councilperson Erik Bottcher said on social media following the attack.


  • BringMeExtra [xe/xem,fae/faer]
    1 year ago

    Arm all queer people. Buy a fucking a gun, join a local gun club, and practice. Get a concealed carry permit if you can.

    ib4 "what if i don't feel safe with a gun": fine, whatever, you of couse know yourself. this is about every queer person who can safely own guns, which is the vast majority of us.

    this awful shit won't subside until enough bigots get put in the ground and chuds realize we are not easy targets.

  • P1d40n3 [he/him]
    1 year ago

    The fascists get braver every day, may God strike fear into their hearts :inshallah:

  • BeamBrain [he/him]
    1 year ago

    Communist countries keep getting better about LGBT and liberal capitalist countries keep getting worse, yet libs will still beat the "commies hate teh gays!" drum.

  • Des [she/her, they/them]
    1 year ago

    not to act like an internet tough gal but i would have loved to have made that fight 4 on 3 instead of 4 on 2. my partner says she would throw down too making it an even 4 on 4.

    fuck this bystander effect shit. "they might have guns" yeah anyone might have a gun sometimes you just have to roll the dice. yes street fights are life and death so don't think it's going to be a soft brawl. knives, blunt objects, pepper spray...whatever you can use.

    sorry this shit makes me so angry