That's right. This terrible weed that you can probably find all around you right now is an extremely prolific grower. It forms a dense root network underground which makes eradicating it near-impossible without drastic and expensive interventions. Pulling it only signals it to grow more while it strangles all of the other plants in the area. It would be incredibly irresponsible of you to cut a vine into slivers with one leaf each, dig little holes around the property, and plant them. You will cause thousands of dollars of damage to the property which can't be traced back to you and that's wrong.

    • happybadger [he/him]
      4 months ago

      It absolutely ruins the American dream which is why it's bad. I had this landlord that wanted to raise my rent 10% while asking me to pay early when COVID kicked off. He was trying to pay off a $600k home while also paying for this $300k one that he lived an hour away from. The HOA was so restrictive that they'd patrol for weeds and fine the owner $75 per day if they found one. All of a sudden this poor guy has field bindweed coming up in all of his shitty shrubs and Kentucky bluegrass. To control it through a horticulturist he'd be paying like $100 per visit, and he'd have to basically xeriscape the whole lawn to avoid those fines piling up until the property is repossessed.

      • 2Password2Remember [he/him]
        4 months ago

        pouring one out for your unfortunate, downtrodden landchad. hope you tipped on top of your monthly Housing Provider Appreciation Tribute

        Death to America