unironically can't bring myself to hate her though because she was one of the people who made me start to see some of the cracks in capitalist realism

  • UmbraVivi [he/him, she/her]
    1 year ago

    In regards to her "whining about cancel culture", I don't disagree that she handled it poorly but I don't think people here have perspective for what happened to her.

    The community lost their collective minds over the controversy and overnight she went from the online left's darling to an enby-hating transmedicalist, I can't imagine how much shit she got from her community and everyone else. Haters affect literally every online figure that isn't a complete sociopath, especially left-wingers whose entire ideology is built on empathy and caring about others. The community reaction was completely disproportional to the mistake that it was, and for the love of god there are still people calling her a transmedicalist because of it, which is a conclusion you can only reach if you twist reality with as much bad faith as you can muster. Imagine thousands of people suddenly declaring you an enemy of the trans community, people which you have dedicated your career advocating for.

    Contrapoints deserved backlash for platforming Buck Angel, but she did not deserve the ridiculous shitstorm that she got and I don't think any of us could handle the sheer amount of vitriol that was thrown at her. Hasan sounded like he was about to cry after people harassed him during his charity stream for the earthquake in Turkey, and he's a macho himbo not a terminally online transwoman. It's a lot easier to deal with "cancel culture" when you're a right-wing grifter who doesn't give a shit about anything, but if you actually care about these issues and other people in general, I have to imagine this can really fuck you up.

    • silent_water [she/her]
      1 year ago

      it started well before this. her video on the Aesthetic got a lot of good faith criticism and she ignored all of it, lumping genuine academic criticism in with trolls.