unironically can't bring myself to hate her though because she was one of the people who made me start to see some of the cracks in capitalist realism

  • silent_water [she/her]
    1 year ago

    she's got some bad takes on non-binary people and her politics are pretty lib. like it's fine to watch her stuff and enjoy it, but her tendency to lump good faith criticism in with the trolls makes her pretty unwatchable for me. also like how can someone be so unaware of the consequences of her actions?? she went on a podcast with Hilary Clinton and got rightfully lambasted for it and this video is about the extremely predictable backlash to her agreeing to a "discussion" with JK Rowling, with a former member of the Westboro Baptist Church as a moderator. the only thing that could have ended worse for her was actually going through with it.

    • hollowmines [he/him]
      1 year ago

      occasional cringe and almost doing something bad just not enough to get me raging these days idk