JA21/FvD are the fashies, SGP are christo-far-right, PVV is classic far right and the BBB is agrian far right.

If Van der Plas[BBB leader] somehow ends up as PM, we deserve to disapear below the sea level. She might not push the racist bullshit the other far right parties do[that I know of] but instead just wants destroy the county in favour of a tiny amount of meat farmers, ontop of ignoring every single emision rule we ever agreed too. Not to mention animal rights will probably get one hell of a setback[probabably explains why the animal party[PvdD] is getting more popular, to counteract this shit]

I truly fucking hate this swamp.

  • chickentendrils [any, comrade/them]
    1 year ago

    Probably how the other former empires and present imperial projects will trend, with temporary switching off between liberals and fascists when fascists ratchet too far, as long as conditions allow. Historically the populations of these places were ameliorated with the crumbs of empire to prevent revolutions at home, but the architects of that are long gone. The ruling classes in place today are mostly their descendants, or people who did happen to succeed in these economies. Usually through some mixture of pure psychopathy and creating the systems which the economy was structured to generate because they solidify the ruling class' power (war machines, surveillance equipment, computers and algorithms to financialize all aspects of human ineractions). So mostly True Believers and individuals who've totally bought into the mythology. A lot of them are just liberals who refuse or can't understand why things keep getting worse, some understand and hope it won't blow up before they're dead, some are actively pushing austerity because they suspect they can capitalize on the fascist turn these places will most likely make when the options presented are stark. Real or imagined, as long as the ruling class succeeds at preventing, co-opting, or otherwise nullifying solidarity, people will perceive the choices as some version of "eat the bugs" vs "ax the undesirables to avoid change".