• Gay_Wrath [fae/faer]
    4 years ago

    Portland's DA just recently got elected and is actually pretty good, he's advocating for the end of cash bail and mandatory minimum sentencing. He also dropped almost all of the charges against the portland protesters (around 500 were dropped, 47 will go forward)

    "The district attorney's office will presumptively decline to pursue criminal charges which result solely from the participation in a protest or mass demonstration," Schmidt said.

    Crimes that will not be prosecuted include: interfering with a peace officer, disorderly conduct in the second degree, criminal trespass in the first or second degree, escape in the third degree, and harassment and riot when it isn't accompanied by a charge separate from this list.

    In his official "meet the new DA" interview, he name dropped this book, which looks pretty good. (Author of the New Jim Crow gave it a good review)

    Anyway, that's why the cops hate him lol