Libs, walking straight into chud talking points and framing in a blissfully innocent attempt at "nuance" since...1650? Earlier? Fucked if I know they've always been this way.

The usual GC types are already making out-of-context clips.

Uphold TC69 thought, combat liberalism, We love and fight with our Trans Comrades!

  • reddit [any,they/them]
    1 year ago

    I was so angry to see this. I had no illusions about Sabine being anything but a lib and a scientist but her breakdown of bullshit in science news has been excellent and her perspective on modern physics has been thoroughly refreshing. Hell she even did a video on trans athletes that, imo as a cis person at least, had a reasonable conclusion? But this was such a major misstep when it really didn't have to be. So disappointing.

    • Mardoniush [she/her]
      1 year ago

      Yeah, given her reasoned article on trans athletes, seeing this was an incredible disappointment. In isolation it would simply be a bad take and a misreading of the science caused by overfocus on Psych papers. Such things happen to everyone occasionally, we all make mistakes and have brainworms.

      But her political could she not know that her video would be immediately sharpened into a knife against trans people everywhere? How can you be so politically childish as to believe you can simply comment on this without staking a position and expect people to treat you as a neutral figure? It confuses and enrages me.

      • reddit [any,they/them]
        1 year ago

        Exactly. It's terminal STEM brain. """Objective""" """facts""" can't possibly be used to hurt someone! This shit is literally why there exists the saying about "lies, damned lies, and statistics".