• MF_BROOM [he/him]
    1 year ago

    One-way masking doesn't necessarily preclude getting infected with COVID, but yes, you should definitely get a respirator if possible, and also consider doing a fit test. Even if one-way masking can fail, there's still a good chance that you will be able to avoid COVID infection, or, failing that, minimizing the number of times you do get COVID. By wearing a mask, you will also likely lower the viral load you are exposed to if you do get infected.

    I'm pissed they got rid of the mandates, though. It puts more of a burden on those few of us who are still masking because most people are no longer masking and increasing the amount of virus in our public spaces. Like that's a huge reason why mandates are good--if you have more people masking, it will reduce the amount of virus in the air. And if most people are adhering to the mandate, then that makes spaces safer and more inclusive and puts less of a strain on our own individual masks.

    But of course we'll probably never see mandates again. Ugh.