After I saw the tweets - I googled. The top result was all I needed to see.
More googling...
A Newsweek Inc Deputy Editor's compensation ranges from $79,311 to $100,874,
After I saw the tweets - I googled. The top result was all I needed to see.
More googling...
A Newsweek Inc Deputy Editor's compensation ranges from $79,311 to $100,874,
Whatever mask was left on twitter has been completely obliterated and now it's just a more polite /pol/.
I never thought of it that way but that's accurate. Next year it could another /pol/ if Elon goes mask off more. And I suspect he will.
It disturbs the hell out of me. I have sincerely never been more disgusted and horrified by the general reaction to a public story, and I can't even directly pinpoint why.
The terror that would be necessary to drive this rot and evil out of our society might honestly make nuclear war seem kind.
when it comes to America, fascism's most strident defenders will be the shitheads who were warning about the dangers of russian disnfo campaigns 7 years ago
I think it's neat they put a blue checkmark on sociopaths tho!