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  • CuminAndSalt [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Hitler wrote that Andrew Jackson was his inspiration for the Holocaust. He was far and away the worst of the worst. Other bad ones include:

    Johnson (elected as a compromise for the south after the civil war, enacted a ton of racist legislation to take as many rights away from newly freed slaves),

    Reagan (funded and armed middle eastern terrorists, funded and armed Latin american terrorists, flooded inner cities with cocaine to raise the money they needed to fund terrorists, pushed the war on drugs to punish black people for buying the cocaine he sold them, defunded AIDS research once he found out that it mostly killed gay people, whole list of other shit. Probably the second worst),

    Bush 2 (Worst living president for sure. Bush 1 humiliated himself trying to invade Iran, so his large adult son opportunistically used 9/11 --an event that intelligence agencies, at best, knew was going to happen-- to springboard the middle eastern invasion that we're still mired in. Millions of people dead in our two decade Muslim hunt/Oil heist. Some of the worst war crimes the US has ever committed. Also, the patriot act and his part in whipping the country up into a jingoistic nationalist fervor that we probably won't recover)

    Honorable Mention: literally every other president lmao

    • kristina [she/her]
      4 years ago

      for real on johnson though. imagine if the radical republicans won. they were so fucking close, too

      • CuminAndSalt [he/him]
        4 years ago

        I'm not knowledgeable on that era, but from what I've read on Johnson I've come to understand that pretty much every piece of explicitly or implicitly racist legislation can be traced directly back to precedent set during his administration. Not that America has been anything other than a colonial settler state, but stuff like literacy tests for voting and the attitude of "well, it's not racist because it never mentions race, even if this law was written with the express purpose of harming black people" comes from southerners trying to find loopholes in the emancipation.

        If anyone's got some good resources to link me to, I'd much appreciate it