Listen, I Like Sam, Emma, Matt and all the rest. They are my daily listen, even if I sometimes disagree.

And the subreddit is mostly okay, too. A bit too liberal for me to visit that often but not bad.

And then I saw this thread. Over 1k upvotes, 600+ comments.

And absolute dogshit analysis. Just an orgy of the most CNN-tier vomit spewed over all of our screens.

Here’s the link for all to see.

    • Ram_The_Manparts [he/him]
      1 year ago

      No but you see, the fact that the russians made this one bad decision actually means that Putin is literally Adolf Voldemort Stalin and is definitely planning on ending the world with nuclear hellfire because he's struggling with erectile dysfunction and restless leg syndrome.

        • robot_dog_with_gun [they/them]
          1 year ago

          a second world country trying to be roped into the first? that was literally the point of the maidan color revolution and what stoked separatism in the breakaway republics

          anyway, the obvious analysis is blah blah article 5 but I don't think the anglos actually care about anything east of germany and how sure can we really be that some boomer making bad strategic level military decisions thinks he has a way to call that bluff and get away with it?

            • robot_dog_with_gun [they/them]
              1 year ago

              i think it's reasonable to have russia inherit the second world designation in this context, i'd certainly never call ukraine third world unless we're calling everybody outside of nato 3rd world by default.

                • robot_dog_with_gun [they/them]
                  1 year ago

                  (though perhaps only as short-hand for “poor”

                  that's probably what's going on unless there's some secret thirdworldism faction that none of us have heard of, especially if your friends are under 40.