Listen, I Like Sam, Emma, Matt and all the rest. They are my daily listen, even if I sometimes disagree.

And the subreddit is mostly okay, too. A bit too liberal for me to visit that often but not bad.

And then I saw this thread. Over 1k upvotes, 600+ comments.

And absolute dogshit analysis. Just an orgy of the most CNN-tier vomit spewed over all of our screens.

Here’s the link for all to see.

  • SerLava [he/him]
    1 year ago

    I mean, the subreddit thinks you can vote the fash away. The people on the show don't think that.

      • SerLava [he/him]
        1 year ago

        They support voting because it's a nearly effortless way to slightly materially improve people's lives, not because it'll just solve our problems. Seder is certainly the farthest right on that show but he's definitely not a :vote: liberal