
  • Assian_Candor [comrade/them]
    30 days ago

    Not after he immediately pardons himself

    There's so many possibilities here for hilarious timelines, these trials are a gift no matter what the outcome

    • theposterformerlyknownasgood
      30 days ago

      he can't pardon a state level offense (That's why Biden's mass pardoning of marijuana possession was so fucking meaningless. How many people have federal small possession charges), the thing would have to be kicked up to federal level for him to do that I think, and no federal judge wanted to touch this. A federal judge may step in now to save his ass, but it's probably not even necessary.

      • Sickos [they/them, it/its]
        30 days ago

        I am fully expecting him to pardon himself, and every lib to go "NO THE PRESIDENT CAN'T PARDON STATE LEVEL CRIMES" and then the courts to do nothing about it.

    • GoebbelsDeezNuts [any]
      30 days ago

      I think the timeline could go like this:

      Trump actually goes to jail and runs from prison -> Libs stupidly do everything in their power to make running from prison impossible, implausible, or illegal -> Republicans finally elect a competent fascist -> Fascist uses precedent set of throwing former presidents (or anyone) in jail to imprison opponents -> Liberals: shocked-pikachu