Do the people who call for completely decoupling from China understand how much of their life is subsidized off Chinese labor? I know the answer but I'm still shocked how often this pops up on "tic toc evil" threads
TikTok does the same thing every social media and internet company does?! :shocked-pikachu:
I'm sure attacking this one single company and not addressing the systemic problems at play here will
remove competition for US companiessolve everything!What could China do with my data that is more alarming than any company or US agency? I genuinely am confused by data and don’t understand why this should bother me more than the Snowden leaks? (Those didn’t bother anyone really, including all us posting on our phones right now)
No I think it's a good question that this whole thing kind of begs. Like China wants to steal my data... and do what with it, exactly?
Yeah heaven forbid these people leave their pods to go do something else or read a book