They then complain and call everything they hate tankie

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    1 个月前

    I clicked in hoping to see the unicorn-rare .world W, but the comments are one of the worst cesspits of idiocy even for their standards. I mean:


    • zed_proclaimer [he/him]
      1 个月前

      it's legitimately hilarious how clueless and naive these people are, and how smart they think they are.

      They are a walking stereotype of Liberals. We know exactly how they think and the exact narratives they parrot.

      They don't know anything about us, saying we are 'zionists' when we are practically the Hamas fan club over here. They don't understand jack shit about anything.

      • emizeko [they/them]
        1 个月前

        imagining the resistance groups as members of a boy band, and we all have our favorite.

        "I stan PFLP, their logo is badass."
        "Al-Qassam is soooo dreamy."
        "did you see Tulkarem Brigade's new headband?"

      • Ildsaye [they/them]
        1 个月前

        They don't understand jack shit about anything.

        There is a lot liberals don't want to understand, and by the magic of hegemony, never feel much pressure to. Trumpism has been the prevailing US ideology from the beginning

    • Rx_Hawk [he/him]
      1 个月前

      This person thinks it just means redfash, if they can even understand that.

      But seriously, not a single comment expressing anything like "hell yeah fuck trump" all just deeply unserious.


        1 个月前

        But seriously, not a single comment expressing anything like “hell yeah fuck trump” all just deeply unserious.

        Normally they are all "fuck trump" but the moment spectre of tankie shows they immediately just click away to face the more hated enemies. In other words, Kronshtad was not a mistake and we should have a thousands more.

        • Rx_Hawk [he/him]
          1 个月前

          Kronshtad was not a mistake

          Can you explain this, I'm trying to learn more history.

            1 个月前

            Kronshtadt Rebellion was a proto-prototype of colour coup, basically all the washed out opportunists, libs and ultras that took a huge L in October Revolution gathered there (supported by imperialist powers) and riding on a social unrest caused by hard conditions of 7 years of continous war (it was in 1921) demanded that bolsheviks just give them everything and back off. They got crushed by Trotsky subsequently, which is often cited as his mosed based contribution.