Boy, that shit sure ain't worth defending. I cannot believe the number of struggle sessions where people told me just to give it a shot and I didn't get the context or whatever. Jesus Christ.

  • Bread_In_Baltimore [he/him]
    4 years ago

    There is a tendency for people to act as if class is in a vacuum divorced from other factors that is very undialectical. They're are material differences between people who grow up in different eras of capital conditions. The fact that boomers grew up in probably the most lopsided economic environment in history is going to change the way they think. I would say this is no less materialist than speaking on the differences between white Americans and black Americans; sure neither is a class monolith but they do have general shared characteristics.

    The material differences between generations absolutely informs their ideological rifts and it isn't fucking fascist to acknowledge that. Just because you acknowledge that people who grew up in a near uninterrupted period of transfer of wealth from the global south to the US are different than people who grew up in a period of stagnation and redistribution of wealth upwards doesn't mean that you believe the premise if the Strauss-Howe horseshit generational theory lmao.