well college should definitely be reformed as a system. Really the whole thing would be fixed if we just let anyone attend lectures and publically posted the times like events at community centres.
have people register to do exams if they want accreditation. The problem is the high barrier of entry and cost of study prohibits people exploring a subject. Really society would be so much better off if anyone could out of interest sit a college level course in any subject or module on a whim
well college should definitely be reformed as a system. Really the whole thing would be fixed if we just let anyone attend lectures and publically posted the times like events at community centres.
have people register to do exams if they want accreditation. The problem is the high barrier of entry and cost of study prohibits people exploring a subject. Really society would be so much better off if anyone could out of interest sit a college level course in any subject or module on a whim
The whole thing should be way more casual