Is the US fascist? Are all bourgeois states fascistic? If not then why are some fascist and others not? Is post-Stalin USSR fascist? Was FDR fascist? Is Putin fascist?

  • ThereRisesARedStar [she/her, they/them]
    1 year ago

    I'd recommend "the economy and class structure of german fascism"

    Basically, fascism is class warfare by the petite bourgeoisie in response to being threatened with proletariatization that unprofitable or less profitable elements of the haut bourgeoisie latch onto.

    The petite bourgeoisie is where fascism starts because they are more vulnerable to the falling rate of profit; they can not secure as many favors from the government, often rely on the haut bourgeoisie for their supply chains, and do not have the same economy of scale.

    A collapse of imperialism like the US is experiencing can result in fascism and is the most common way to get fascism, but I bet you could get it from the comprador class of a non-imperialist colonized nation.

    Fascist economics involves "taking away decision making powers from capitalists for the sake of capitalists"- a bizarre semi-command style economy where the goal is to maintain the power of the capitalist class. More profitable industries are leached from or semi-cannibalized to prop up failing industries

    It involves swapping the surplus army of labor for more overt threats of violence, and profit increases switch from being primarily accumulated through abstract surplus value to concrete surplus value.

    It is rhetorically class collaborationist. Basically everyone has their place in society and if everyone fulfills that everyone will prosper

    It relies on scapegoating to explain problems because class analysis is forbidden

    Id argue that the US isn't actually fascist because the capitalists are still running the show, the government isn't telling Intel to increase cpu chip production by x percent and to sell them to Microsoft at 75 dollars a pop.

    The biggest indicators o us liberal democracy giving way to fascism are the expansion of forced labor, child labor, and switching from underclass to exterminationist policies.

    I am not sure that the US will actually have to transfer to a dictatorship for it to be a fascist state, I dont see anything within fascism that requires a dictatorship.