We must ban your :elmofire: treats to prevent forest fires, pollution, lung cancer, other lung damage, littering, and injury.
The power company's malfunctioning equipment that starts 80% of forest fires, the cars that produce 75% of the pollution, the cigarettes that cause 90% of the lung cancer, the COVID giving everyone lung damage, the fast food packaging and vapes that make up almost all litter are all fine though. Tragic about those 5 people per year who get a booboo from forest fire embers, though.
Order of the Arrow was so fucking cringe, but BSA was genuinely like the best part of my childhood. Teaching kids to love nature in a sustainable way is good.
We do not talk about OA. But yeah, it was a big part of my childhood and really gave me a lot of skills I use every day. And I love going out into the woods.