• ssjmarx [he/him]
    1 year ago

    It's sad, but I think this is a trend that's been going for over a hundred years. Men used to be a lot more close with one another, used to show a lot more affection, used to hold hands and in some cultures still do, and you can see this all in old photographs. But the idea of performing masculinity is the type of thing that is subject to group polarization - over time everyone tries to "prove" their masculinity by being more masculine than those around them, pushing the boundaries of acceptable behavior further and further to the extreme - and with the invention of mass media all western men were suddenly subjected to the same cult of masculine posturing.

    So now for a century we've been ratcheting further and further right on this issue, and while there was a split which created the camp of the nu-male the camp of the traditional man continues to get more and more exclusionary and extreme. They are so deeply mired in this mode of thinking and performing masculinity that they will continue to invent newer and more extreme expressions of it, all the while cloaking themselves in mental cliches ie calling everyone who disagrees with them "woke" to protect themselves from any dissenting viewpoint.