I mean hopefully it can be delayed by a year or two until I can get SRS and move to Seattle and integrate into some leftist networks. But we're all just stuck in this limbo of waiting for the evil empire to implode and it's still tottering along, smashing thousands of lives daily. I'm not romanticizing the Cool Zone, I'm just tired of being kept on the edge - waiting, waiting. Let's just get it the fuck over with
What I see happening isn't an orgiastic display of violence or beautiful if dangerous fast collapse. I see a slow dissolution as capitalism winds down and becomes ever more sclerotic, it withdraws from its frontiers and hinterlands and suburbs and ends up being in a few great (probably only metaphorical but perhaps literal) walls where they jealously guard their global cities.
I don't think anywhere will balkanize, maybe a few more breakaways are left where tensions are highest or have been - like Quebec possibly or the Republicans winning in Northern Ireland or Scotland etc. Instead of balkanization, one day you'll wake up after going to work and realize the national government just isn't part of your life anymore. Yeah sure, it claims to be in control and you can vote for it - but it doesn't actually have any power to do anything, it was all devolved and dissolved itself as capitalisms economic base for Nation-States ate itself.
Like I bet there will still be a President that lives in Washington DC and a bit of the Boston to Washington city is all it actually has control over - but still claims the whole contiguous continental US.
RomanAmerican EmpireGorbachev in Autumn 1991 basically
There's gonna be a bit of resentment in the air if the federal government governs an area spanning 10 states but is still voted on by people from 50 states. Like, two-fifths of the Senate will spend virtually all of their time just trying to pass the cruelest and stupidest shit possible, knowing that it will only be enforceable in places populated by people they and their constituents don't like.