I'm out of words to say about this.

  • wild_dog [they/them]
    1 year ago

    I’m really surprised there hasn’t been some kind of high profile child martyr yet like you said. Some kid who got coached into lying about the content of a class taught by a trans person.

    trans people make up like 1% of the population and because of systemic transphobia, it's incredibly hard to even be a trans teacher or be able to get a job of some level of authority at a school above lunch lady or janitor so there's an incredibly small crop of potential targets for this strategy, making it unlikely to be one that would bear much fruit. I think if someone went the coaching strategy, they'd pick a liberal cis teacher that's openly in favor of LGBT rights because there's a lot more of them to be potential targets.

    also it's very hard for transphobe to coach people the way you're talking about when transphobes don't understand basic concepts about trans people. you can't just say "my mom made me wear make up and that turned me trans" because most people would already recognize that type of behavior as a different type of abuse. that type of story wouldn't be able to hold up to scrutiny. Someone attempted something like this in 2016 or so and it failed. Basically a super reactionary divorced dad tried to sue his wife for child abuse claiming she turned their kid trans but when the story came out in court, none of it could hold up to cross examination especially when actual mental health professionals were brought in to testify. I'm not saying it's entirely impossible to do it, but it's an extremely hard story to make stick.