It’s been a good 24 hrs (the market crashed and my relatives lost money but that’s what they get for betting on a fascist. I’ve been happily dancing and drinking from thousands of miles away.)

    • LibsEatPoop [any]
      4 months ago

      Self care, I get that lol. I’m glad I get to see a very real world example of online Hindutva fascists not being the majority of India.

      Having been away from the country for a while, and my only contact being people who have bought into propaganda + essentially all mainstream media being just govt. mouth pieces, there are very few ways of getting any alternative view. And there is no ability to gauge how popular that alternative view is.

      In that context, these results are very relieving. Dont know what it means for the future. He’s still gonna be the PM and BJP will still form the govt (via a coalition). But hopefully there will now be a strong opposition + he will not go down the Hindutva route (but who knows? Maybe he’ll double down. He hasn’t changed as a person).

    4 months ago

    Congratulations! I had a call with some folks in Mysore yesterday before the results were tallied and they were upset.. so glad it turned around!

    • LibsEatPoop [any]
      4 months ago

      Me too! Some worrying things in the results but that’s for later. The overwhelming feeling is just relief at the moment. Democracy in India is not dead, which I’m so so glad to have been wrong about.

      And it was the classes/castes/religions who were oppressed the most who kicked BJP out of its majority in its supposed strongholds.

        4 months ago

        Absolutely agree with you. Seeing the rightward lurch in India using the same racist rhetoric as Trump was really concerning. Fuck all nation states that use religion as an excuse to oppress people. Looking at you India, Israel, Saudi Arabia, USA... Theocratic states are stupid

  • micnd90 [he/him,any]
    4 months ago

    I know nothing about Indian politics except

    HaHAha TulCels in shambles